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10 steps to raise responsible, tolerant and inspired children
  1. Take your time.

Every child needs time to adapt, time for themselves, free play time. Teachers at ABC asses carefully those needs and have an individual approach. This way children feel calm and easily build a relationship of trust with their caregiver.

  1. Have routine and structure.

Children need a predictable and secure daily program for many reasons. One of the most significant benefits of a structured daily life is that children can perform certain tasks every day until they master them. This is how we move with small steps towards great success!

  1. Give Responsibilities.

Every child likes to feel like they are contributing to their group life. Even the youngest students at ABC get the opportunity to help and be responsible for a certain part of the
day-to-day work. And we are proud with each and every one of them!

  1. Build relationships.

The ABC team works with families from all over the world, and the real magic happens when different nationalities come together under the same roof and become one family. The Kids learn that although we are different, together we can achieve much more.

  1. Appreciate nature.

    Teachers at ABC work according to the latest trends in education, using modern technologies and preparing children for the future. Children know that in order to live in the environment of our dreams, we need to take care of nature. In all our locations, rubbish is collected separately with the help of children, we talk and try composting, planting a variety of plants, families are encouraged to bring objects and materials from home that become art and live a second life with us.

  2. Choose a charity.

    Every year, ABC chooses charities that children can contribute to. It is amazing to see children helping      We learn about the importance of helping and giving. Don’t be surprised if you hear from your Child “Sharing is caring!”

  3. Talk about feelings and needs.

    One of the most important skills that children learn with us is to recognize their feelings and express them in an understandable and acceptable way. No one can be happy all the time, so we do not expect it from the children. We are talking about the spectrum of emotions, the fact that it is normal to have different feelings and not all of them are pleasant. We give children the opportunity to think and share what happened to them, how it made them feel and what they need now. This way they become young people, who can manage their problems and tackle them effectively.

  4. Allow creative chaos.

    There is nothing more discouraging than going into a room full of children where no sound can be heard and the children are filling out Little ones need to babble while drawing with fingers, to dance and sing while modeling with playdough, to walk around discuss and come back to their work. The world needs creative, free and brave people, who are not afraid to experiment and discuss ideas.

  5. Make room for variety.

    Every day, the ABC team prepares a palette of opportunities to discover the world of our To offer them enough food for thought, we have picked a variety of Out of class activities – sports, art and language.


10. Offer Support

We understand that every child needs support to develop confidence in their own strengths. Children achieve as much as we help them believe they can achieve. Hand in hand, we walk the road to first grade with our brave learners and in the end of kindergarten we part with pride with the children who bravely embark on a new adventure.


Recommended by Miss Anna, Academic Manager